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Members of the Chinese Academy of Sciences lecturing on science and technology.

chemistry, physical culture, music, fine arts and labor skills.

       With regard to textbooks, a transition was made from "one textbook under one teaching program" to "more than one textbook under one teaching program." That is to say, on the premise that basic teaching requirements are unified and that all textbooks are examined in a unified way, the government encouraged local education departments, institutions of higher learning, research institutes, national academic bodies and qualified experts and teachers to compile textbooks in a bid to diversify teaching materials. The same year saw the establishment of a National Examination and Approval Committee for Primary and Middle School Teaching Materials and teaching materials examination committees for different subjects. The national committee was composed of 20 members and the subject committees had 200 members. All teaching materials for primary and middle schools would not be


selected for use unless examined and approved by the National Examination and Approval Committee for Primary and Middle School Teaching Materials. Local teaching materials must be examined and approved by a provincial-level teaching materials examination and approval committee. The compilation of teaching materials is separate from Walking on the moon in the Chinese Science and Technology Hall.examination and approval. For teaching materials, an examination-approval system has replaced the former system of monopoly by the state.

       In 1992, the former State Education Commission (now the Ministry of Education) changed "teaching plans" for primary and middle schools into "curricula plans," designing curricula for primary and middle schools in a unified way for the first time. The new curricula consist of courses of an activity nature as well subject courses, ending a curriculum structure consisting of compulsory courses only. In addition, the new curriculum structure provides for local courses. Thus a system came into being under which curricula and teaching materials are administered at the state, provincial and school levels.
